For two weeks now I have been actively and positively interacting with my world, remaining sure that optimism about humanity both situationaly and personally would prevail in my spirit. The positiveity ballet has played on. I have been more positively reflective about both myself and those I come into contact with. But, boy, it is hard work! I'm sure such positive affirmations and smiling talk shouldn't seem so disconnected to me, but it feels choreful with certain people. But I am moving forward, trying to walk the walk and talk the talk. I am honestly and creatively trying to make lemonade. But, wow. It is an incredibly taxing dance, like ballet, seemingly smooth and lithe, but strong and severe.
As a celebrity I would imagine many times in which you are put into situations that are not happiness inducing, and that there are time that are so positive for those you are with and you feel so not happy to be there. How do you consistently smile and feign happy when you really aren't happy? I'm imagining that no one is completely consistent, so if not, then what mantras and other skill sets do you use to remain positive with people, especially when you just don't feel like it? I
I know that a life chock-full of optimism, generosity of spirit, and positivity is much more fulfilling and am working diligently to bring even more of it into my life. So, what are the ways you bring such joy to your life? How do people who want to remain positive ballet through life?
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