As I was driving home yesterday I was met by a slew of community workers standing on shovels watching a hydrant spew gallons and gallons of water into the air, street, and down the drain. Sitting at the stop sign, my furrowed brow in full view, I rolled down the window and asked one of the bored, orange vested workers what happened. He told me that the pressure, due to the current heavy rains, caused the hydrant to blow. I then asked if they were planning to turn it off. He said that they were after some of the pressure was alleviated. Really? As I continue to take 12 minute showers and to wash laundry in only cold, they are literally letting hundreds of gallons of water run-off?
Then there is my plastic/reusable bag experience. Carrying my own reusable bag, I bought a couple items at a department store in San Antonio, TX. Walking out, I was met by a security guard who wanted to see my receipt and when the actual bag was not on the receipt, he accused me of stealing it. He sent for reinforcements to find the exact bag in the store, despite my pleas of its reusable bag status. They never found the bag, and I was stuck waiting for them to decide it was a legit idea to bring your own bag. Then, stopping at HEB on my way home, I see each lane double bagging others' items, one thing in most of the bags. Millions and millions of plastic bags. Ahhh!
Then there are the those that walk their dogs and don't pick up, or pick up in plastic HEB bags! What a racket! Worse are all of the stray doggies and kitties roaming all over my neighborhood. Even my elderly neighbor allowed her two dogs to have puppies, 14 to be exact. So, after myself and a friend re-homing several stray dogs and cats who were street bound, there are 14 new puppies in need of homes.
How do we continue on our ecological journeys while others don't pay a note of attention? How can I continue to do my part when it seems so insurmountable? I can barely stand knowing those puppies are there and I cant stand going to HEB and seeing the bagging practices. How do you, Bette, continue to do your part while the rest of the world struggles and ignores?
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